A Newport Girlguiding volunteer is set for a special event in London this week in recognition of the difference she has made to girls’ lives in her area. 
Abbie Vincent, 31, will join hundreds of fellow nominees and award recipients at the Girlguiding Celebrates event on September 29.

Abbie has been a part of Girlguiding since she joined Rainbows aged five.

She now leads a Rainbow, Brownie and Guide unit in Newport, where she enjoys seeing the girls grow and progress through the sections. 
Abbie said: “It’s really rewarding seeing shy, nervous girls come through the door as a teeny tiny four- or five-year-old in Rainbows and watch them blossom into confident, kind, helpful and chatty girls.

“As I run Rainbows, Brownies and Guides, we have seen so many girls blossom over a ten year period. Some have become young leaders as well. It’s brilliant seeing them so keen to continue their Girlguiding journey.

"Girlguiding is still really important in 2024. It’s a social activity which gets girls out of the house and off social media and their devices."

She said it was a 'lower cost' activity compared to others and can also make a huge difference to a young person's life.

“It gives girls a safe environment to make friends, develop new skills, have new experiences, go on adventures and explore the world around them - all because so many amazing people volunteer to run units! 
“I’m really proud to be nominated. Nobody volunteers for praise or thanks, but it’s lovely to be recognised and to know that what we do is valued and appreciated."

Carys Sadler, a young leader who nominated Abbie to attend Girlguiding Celebrates, said: “Abbie goes above and beyond for the girls every week, taking them on multiple trips and planning sleepovers and activity days.

"She plans activities that all the girls enjoy and can be included in - she would never see anybody miss or feel left out. Abbie is someone I look up to. She’s an inspiration and I’d love to be just like her one day, the best leader!”