A MASKED man armed with a hockey stick burst into his terrified elderly neighbour’s home and blackmailed him for cash.

Jonathan Ridout, 41, a family man with a respectable job committed the offence in Blackwood over the summer in what was described as a “bizarre” case.

His barrister Alice Sykes said her client had suffered a mental breakdown and was addicted to gambling and drinking heavily at the time.

Pamela Kaiga, prosecuting, told Newport Crown Court: “The defendant was wearing a black hooded top, a mask and latex gloves and was carrying a hockey stick.

(Image: The mask worn by Jonathan Ridout/CPS Wales) “He was repeatedly asking the victim where his daughter was in an aggressive and threatening manner.

“The victim said he didn’t have a daughter.

“The defendant said he owed money and that he had come to collect it.”

Ridout began to demand payment and asked the 77-year-old pensioner if he kept cash at home.

The victim refused to hand over any money or his bank cards.

(Image: The Slazenger hockey stick used by the defendant/CPS Wales)

Miss Kaiga revealed: “The defendant told him, ‘I’ll beat you mind, I’ll beat you.’

“He then said to his victim, ‘I don’t know what to do. I think I’ll go now.’

“The defendant then left taking the hockey stick with him.”

The pensioner called the police and Ridout was arrested shortly after.

He was identified from CCTV footage and detectives found the mask, latex gloves and hockey stick in his car.

(Image: Jonathan Ridout/Gwent Police)

The court heard how the defendant had feigned concern for his neighbour during the police investigation before his arrest and had offered to look after him.

In a victim personal statement, the complainant said: “I don’t want him to be anywhere near me.

“What I would like to ask him is why he did it? He knew I was living alone.”

Ridout pleaded guilty to blackmail on Friday, July 5.

Miss Sykes said: “Nothing I say in mitigation can deter from the fact of how deeply distressing and terrifying this must have been for the victim.

“The defendant underwent a mental breakdown which resulted in him committing this offence.

“He was addicted to gambling and was having issues with drinking at the time.”

She added this offence was “wholly out of character” for Ridout who would lose his job as an area manager for the National Autistic Society if jailed.

Judge David Wynn Morgan told the defendant: “You are 41 years old with no previous convictions.

“You are a married man with two children and you have a good job.

“It’s astonishing to see you standing where you are.

“Your 77-year-old neighbour was subjected to a terrifying ordeal.

“It was carefully indeed meticulously planned.

“Blackmail is one of the most serious of offences because it affects people’s minds.

“Since 1953, your victim had been living in perfect safety in his home.

“That has now been changed irrevocably.”

The defendant was jailed for two years and six months and made the subject of an indefinite restraining order not to contact his neighbour.

After Ridout was taken to the cells to begin his sentence, Judge Wynn Morgan said: “I feel extremely sorry for the victim in this case but I also feel extremely sorry for the defendant’s family.”