A WOMAN from Newport has been handed a suspended sentence after fleeing the scene of a car crash which left a mother and son unconscious.

Hannah West, 36, of 26 Sorrel Drive, Newport, pled guilty to causing serious injury by careless or inconsiderate driving after crashing her car into a mother and son on New Years Eve 2022.

The court heard that if it was not for the failures of Gwent Police, West would also be facing drink driving offences. 

"I do not know what went wrong. It was terrible, terrible police work," said Judge Khan.

Hannah West crashed her Ford Fiesta into a Vauxhall Corsa driven by Joshua Short who had just picked up his mother, Sally Ann Short. They were driving on the High Cross slip road toward Rogerstone in Newport at the time.

The force of the collision was described as "severe" and caused Sally to eject from the vehicle, landing on the tarmac in the middle of the road.

West fled the scene, getting rid of alcohol stored in the boot of her car.

"You clearly had been drinking alcohol and when you were caught by police, you were abusive, foul mouthed and rude to officers," said the judge.

"You lost control of your car and caused a collision with such force that both victims lost consciousness. Mrs Short was ejected from the vehicle - that is how severe it was.

"The incident was even more distressing because you ran away. You did not call for help - you did nothing.

"You could have killed Mrs Short."

Injuries endured by both victims left them hospitalised, with Mrs Short having a mental plate put in her arm, fractured ribs and bleeds on the brain.

The court heard that as well as significant physical injuries, the crash has impacted them both mentally as well.

Hannah West had a woman and a man in the car with her at the time. She left them at the scene to get arrested on her behalf.

Despite West's previous conviction of drunk driving, Judge Khan sentenced her to nine months in prison, suspended for 18 months.

Upon sentencing, Judge Khan considered that West has a 17-year-old daughter, and the affect immediate custody might have on her.

West's defence also asked Judge Khan to be mindful that West lost her mother suddenly to cancer, and has had "a life blighted with domestic violence, on numerous occasions, with numerous partners."

West is disqualified from driving for two years and has to take an extended re-test if she did ever want to drive again.

She also has to partake in 100 hours of unpaid work and adhere to a curfew of 9pm- 6am. 

"From the pre-sentence report, you appear to me as arrogant," said Judge Khan before sentencing.

"You seem to think you are not a criminal, well you most certainly are a criminal.

"Driving under the influence of drink or drugs costs lives."