A MAN who was found to have 64 prohibited images of children that were cartoon character drawings will not go to jail. 

On September 26, 2022, police officers searched the home of 42-year-old, Jaime Steel, of St Mary Street, Risca.

It was heard in court, when initially arrested and questioned he told police they would not find evidence of child pornography. 

However, he also told police they might find what he viewed was 'questionable images', indicating that the individuals involved were 18, but that some of them might look younger than that.

Prosecutor Ieuan Bennett said: "He told the police some people had sent images to him he had screenshotted himself. 

“Later police confiscated two mobile phones and a computer laptop which were found to contain illegal images of children and evidence of extreme adult pornography."

It was heard in court his phone had evidence of internet conversations with others which referred to child sex abuse. 

In total, 64 images of prohibited child images and three extreme adult pornographic images were found. 

There were two category A images, one category B image and four category C images.  

"All 64 images appeared to be drawings of cartoon characters rather than real images as such," added the prosecutor. 

It was heard in court, the images depicted children has young as between one and ten years old.

Mr Recorder R Rouch, who sentenced Steel, said: "People like you who view these images help fuel the demand for these images to be created.

"You should feel you are responsible for the child abuse of children."

The defendant was given a 32-week custodial sentence suspended for 24 months, 10 days rehabilitation and 35 days on a program. 

He was given a sexual harm prevention order which will last ten years and has been ordered to pay £154 surcharge and £500 costs within four months.