Beachley Old Boys' Association came together in reunion to celebrate the centenary of the foundation of the boys' Technical School.

The Army Apprentices College in Beachley first opened to its future soldiers in February 1924 and the college taught young boys how to be a soldier fit for the army.

Boys as young as fourteen years old would travel from across the UK and other parts of the world to attend the college based in Beachley, as there were only three like it in the country.

The boys would be become skilled in certain trades alongside becoming soldiers fit for the army, such as bricklaying, painting and decorating.

Some also learned technical trades, for example by becoming surveying and ammunition technicians.

They were renowned to be the best of the best upon graduating from the college and joining a squadron - thanks to this widened skillset.

Across the weekend of September 13, the Beachley Old Boys' Association celebrated the 100 year anniversary of their college.

It was a place that brought prosperity to post war Britain, when the army was depleted after the First World War.

On Friday, September 13, they enjoying a social get together in the evening before a packed day on Saturday, September 14, which was the date of their AGM, that was followed by their annual reunion dinner in the evening at Chepstow Racecourse.

On Sunday, September 15, the boys returned to the barracks, to march together again.

The boys who were selected had to pass certain entry exams and background checks before being offered a place.

Each year group formed a strong brotherhood, and bonded through interests in sports or music.

When the Beachley Barracks site closed in 1994 due to military cuts and governmental decisions, it was a devastating loss to the community of Chepstow.

Lots of the boys residing in the barracks had met local girls, such as Chairman Chris and his wife.

(Image: Tyler Brien Photography) Hundreds of locals lost their jobs, as the college had an obligation to employ so many civilians, to fill roles such as kitchen staff, tradesmen and cleaners.

The future for the Beachley Barracks is unknown, with proposals of between 600-2,000 new homes being built on the site from 2027.

For now, the Heritage centre will continue to remember the Beachley Boys, and what that meant to them, including the many memories they made there.

“You came to Beachley as a boy and left as a man," said Chris Ricketts.