Searches for swimming lessons rose by 85 per cent in Wales during the Paris Olympics 2024, according to research.

Internet search data analysed by Castle Water showed that in Cardiff the rise was 400 per cent, while in Swansea is was 200 per cent compared to August 2023.

Across the United Kingdom as a whole searches rose by 22 per cent.

This news comes after Team GB's success at the 2024 Olympics, where they won a total of 11 medals in swimming-related sports: five in diving, one in artistic swimming, and five in swimming, including a gold medal victory, beating both the USA and Australia.

Ellie Settery, digital marketing manager at Castle Water, said: “The surge in online searches for swimming lessons is truly remarkable.

“Team GB's achievements at the Paris Olympics have certainly inspired communities to engage with the sport. In Cardiff alone we’ve seen an astonishing 400 per cent increase, showing how Olympic success can motivate people to start swimming.”