Here are more babies recently born in Gwent. 
Every Monday on our New Arrivals page we give them a big welcome to the world.
If you’ve recently had a baby and would like to share your news with us go to and fill in our easy-to-use Q&A.

Lilly Tylar Bisof (Image: Submitted) Lilly Tylar Bisof was born on July 13, 2024, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 7lbs 2oz. She is the first child of Georgia Rogers and Thomas Bisof, of Gelliager. Mum Georgia said: "Lilly was born naturally and was healthy and happy when born although struggled to get liquid off her lungs but nothing that the midwives were worried about at the time.
"After around 45 minutes Lilly became floppy and started to turn blue in the face and was struggling to keep her sats up (went down to 50 per cent).
"The amazing neonatal team came within five minutes, tried oxygen which unfortunately didn’t work and then proceeded to intubate her there and then to keep her from dropping further, she was rushed away to the NICU all within 10 minutes of the team arriving.
"Lilly was cooled for 96 hours to protect her brain from any further damage than had potentially already been done and that she was having seizures these were monitored by little pins in her head (CFM). She was ventilated although breathing over it couldn’t get oxygen around her body properly so had nitric, Lilly had that many wires we didn’t know where to touch her.
"Lilly was really poorly and the team didn’t think she would make it past the first night, but she was the best fighter ever and smashed her NICU journey and was home after 13 days. 
"Lilly is currently on anti seizure medication and folic acid for her haemoglobin levels and is absolutely thriving at home 
"We cannot thank the NICU team enough for not only looking after and saving Lilly’s life but for saving ours too!
"Her MRI scan has come back clear indicating there has been no brain damage which we are so grateful about, although we need to wait to see how she grows and develops to know anything for sure, but either way, she’s absolutely perfect as she is."

Parker Steven Fehrlin (Image: Submitted) Parker Steven Fehrlin was born on September 4, 2024, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 8lb 3oz. His parents are Steven Fehrlin and Elizabeth Hine, of Cwmbran, and his sibling is Dawson, two.

Isla Willow Clough-Evans was born three weeks early via emergency Caesarean due to her being breach on August 29, 2024, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 5lb 14oz. Her parents are Hollie Clough and Paul Evans, of Newport, and her siblings are Amelia-Rose, Freya Mae and Lucas.