A group from Greenpeace and Christian Aid have met with Monmouthshire MP Catherine Fookes to discuss the climate crisis as part of the National Day of Action organised by the Climate Coalition

The meeting also talked about measures the new government plan to use to address the crisis.

In what has been described as 'a wide-ranging and productive discussion', Ms Fookes pointed to the bill to introduce Great British Energy.

She was also interested in the climate and nature bill being introduced by Dr Roz Savage.

This will build upon the Welsh Government's work on climate and nature.

Ms Fookes mentioned she was meeting with MPs whose constituencies included the River Wye to look at ways to address issues of pollution in the river.

She said she would look forward to further engagement with those who were concerned to address the climate crisis, and to work for the protection of the environment which is such a precious feature of Monmouthshire.

After the meeting, Sarah Windrum, representing Greenpeace, said she was pleased with what had been a positive time together and commended the MP on her hard work for the people of Monmouthshire.