A HUSBAND and wife motorcycle enthusiasts have been left heartbroken after their beloved specialist trike was vandalised the day before one of their biggest events of the year. 

Dawn and Colin Jones, secretary and president of Caldicot Motorcycle Club (CMC), had been preparing to host Hoggin the Bridge from Caldicot on Sunday, October 13 for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. 

However, the night before, they found that their specialist trike had been vandalised for the fifth time in a short number of months, in such a manner that the trike was unsafe to ride, meaning that they were unable to attend. 

The trike has been specially designed with a larger seat and seatbelt at the back to enable Dawn, who is currently awaiting a hip operation, to ride comfortably. 

Dawn said she and Colin were "heartbroken" at seeing their beloved trike vandalised so frequently. 

She said: "You should have seen me the night before Hoggin, I was like a kid on Christmas Eve I was that excited, so to discover that our bike had been damaged again was like a gut punch. 

"This keeps happening, and we just don't understand why someone is doing this to us. We're nice people, we get on well with everyone in the community and we don't have enemies here, you can ask anyone!

"It breaks my heart that anyone thinks it is okay to do this. It started happening all of a sudden and now is quite regular."

According to her husband Colin, fondly known as 'Bear' within the club, the damage is detailed enough that it is "obvious it's not accidental", and he explained that there have been five incidents in four months. 

Mr Jones, who is a car and bike mechanic by trade, explained that the split pin had been taken out of the back wheel in the most recent attack, meaning that the wheel could have come off if they had attempted to ride. 

They have also had oil poured into the gas tank and the indicator wires cut. 

Dawn said: "These are all really dangerous things to be damaging, and from where they are being attacked, it's clear it is targeted. 

"It's not just the damage to the trike we're worried about. We're lucky that my husband is a mechanic and spotted these things - if he didn't know, we wouldn't be able to solve them and he could have died!" 

The couple, who have forked out more than £500 in repairs and security cameras as a result of these attacks, are now faced with having to sell the trike as they are unable to keep it safely in their garage due to its size. 

Dawn explained: "The people doing this are crafty. We've never been able to catch them on camera, so we don't know who is doing it.

"I'm having to grieve losing the trike, because now I won't be able to ride for a while. I just don't understand why us?"