The lifesaving work carried out by Fire Fighters across the country is something that many people recognise and value, however, between the more important emergency call outs the lighter side of the role also shines through.

Here are some iconic historic moments starring Gwent Fire Brigade that made us smile.

The year is 1985 and a stubborn moggy has set up camp at the top of a seventy-foot tall tree in Kestrel Way, Newport. The cat which was chased by a dog has refused to budge for 3 days.

Gwent Fire Brigade attempt to rescue a cat from a tree in NewportGwent Fire Brigade attempt to rescue a cat from a tree in Newport (Image: NQ) Gwent Fire Brigade determined not to let the stubborn cat win in a 3-day long standoff sent a brave fireman up on a 45ft ladder to try coax the cat down with some liver.

Gwent Fire Brigade’s top fire fighter ‘Fireman Sam’ also helped the force on a few occasions.

Here he is back in 1991 performing as part of an all-fireman rock duo for ‘Stop Fire Gwent Week.’

Fireman sam as part of a Gwent Fire Brigade rock duoFireman sam as part of a Gwent Fire Brigade rock duo (Image: NQ) That same week he joined Gwent Council chairman Doug Price for a fire extinguisher demonstration that coincided with ‘National Fire Safety Week.’

Fireman Sam with Gwent Council chairman Doug Price Fireman Sam with Gwent Council chairman Doug Price (Image: NQ) Below we have the brave members of Abergavenny Fire station flaunt a shield for ‘the most efficient fire station in the country.’

The happy chappies can be seen tipping their hats in celebration back in the 80s which is ironic considering that Abergavenny locals protested to having any firefighters from Gwent stationed in the town at all let alone the most efficient station at the time!

Abergavenny fire station celebrate 'Most efficient station'Abergavenny fire station celebrate 'Most efficient station' (Image: NQ) In 1992 Gwent Fire Brigade also had an extreme number of helmets to flog since newer safer helmets were introduced.

450 free helmets issued by Gwent Fire Brigade 450 free helmets issued by Gwent Fire Brigade (Image: NQ) There were more than 450 helmets given away as memorabilia!

Where could they be today?