A pet insurer has said owning a cat can help reduce stress and loneliness.

PetGuard said that cats provide companionship, which can help boost mood and prevent loneliness.

The company said that this is particularly beneficial for those who are feeling stressed or depressed.

Simon Bennett, managing director at petGuard, said: "There are many reasons why you should welcome a new kitty into your home.

"Cats are independent, intelligent, and sensitive and they can have a positive impact on your physical and mental well-being."

Research has shown that stroking pets helps to reduce the amount of cortisol in the human body.

The more cortisol people have in their system, the more stressed and anxious they can be.

Not only that, but even a cat’s purr can help lower stress.

"One of the most popular reasons why pet owners choose to get a cat is because of how easy they are to care for," Mr Bennett added.