A newly-formed Scout group in Newport has been given a boost from Asda in the form of a £1,600 grant.

Pillgwenlly Scout Group, which has limited resources, will use its windfall to buy essential camping equipment and other items for traditional outdoor scouting activities.

Earlier this year, the Pillgwenlly Asda store supported the group by allowing it to do bag packing, raising funds to help cubs and beavers attend a successful summer camp with another group.

The camp provided young members the opportunity to learn new skills and experience outdoor living.

Pillgwenlly Scout Group received a grant of £1,600 from its local Asda store (Image: Submitted) Cubs leader Akela Steve said: "We currently rely on equipment from other groups to offer these activities. This grant will enable us to provide these essential experiences independently.”

Asda Pillgwenlly community champion Lucy said: “Our store is always eager to assist our local community and charities in any way we can.

"It was especially rewarding to facilitate the scout group's bag packing for their summer camp. Upon learning about their need for equipment, I encouraged them to apply for a grant from Asda and assisted with the application process. I am thrilled they succeeded, knowing the impact this grant will have on the group and the children involved.”