A community council is raising the lack of communication from Newport City Council to its MP and the Welsh Government.

This was a key point from the ordinary meeting of Redwick Community Council on September 12, 2024, at the Redwick Village Hall.

Present at the meeting were councillors M. Duthie, E. Jarrett, R. Waters (chairperson), J. Williams, and clerk Beverly Cawley.

Apologies were received from councillor K. James.

The future of the council was discussed at the meeting.

Councillor Jarrett provided feedback on the proposal to disband the community council, and the members noted the response from Newport City Council's CEO's personal assistant.

The members were informed that their complaint about a lack of action had been referred to the council's legal department, but noted that no response had been received.

Work on the deeds and trusteeship for charities was ongoing.

It was resolved that Councillor Jarrett would take the issue of the lack of communication and engagement by Newport City Council to MP Jessica Morden and the relevant Welsh Government department.

The Redwick Play Park and allotments were also on the agenda for the meeting.

The members were updated that the allotment warden's account held with Barclays Bank had been closed as dormant.

Barclays were making arrangements to recover the monies and transfer them to the council's bank account, and the clerk confirmed that a total of £1,738.86 had been received on September 2.

The members noted that the play park equipment had been removed from the council's asset register.

An updated asset list was presented to the members, reflecting the removal and write-off of the play equipment.

It was resolved to adopt the updated asset list.

The meeting also included a review of the tree survey on the Prince Charles Patch.

The members noted the contents of the survey and the remedial works required, resolving to obtain three quotes for the works to be undertaken.

The council's bank reconciliation up to August 8, 2024, was accepted, and the list of payments to be made for August and September 2024 was also accepted.

The state of the account in respect of the council's 2024/2025 budget compared to the actual figures to date was reviewed and noted by the members.

The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on July 23, 2024, were adopted.

The members noted that miscellaneous correspondence had been emailed directly to them for information purposes.

The meeting closed at 7.15pm.

The next ordinary meeting is scheduled for November 14, 2024, at 7pm in the village hall, subject to venue availability.