A Caerphilly borough primary school has been praised for its 'happy, inclusive learning community' following an inspection.

Cwmcarn Primary School was given the positive report following the Estyn inspection on September 23.

The school has 220 pupils, including 21 nursery children.

Inspectors said that: "Cwmcarn Primary School is a happy, inclusive learning community where pupils feel safe and secure."

They said that the headteacher, governors, and staff are 'very proud of the school' and share a vision that focuses on the well-being and progress of all pupils, including those in the Special Resource Bases (SRBs).

The report said: "Working relationships between staff and pupils are strong and these contribute positively to the way pupils behave in and around the school.

"Pupils are polite and courteous to each other and other adults.

"They are confident when discussing their work and keen to explain what they are doing and what they have learnt to their peers and staff."

The report also praised the provision for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN), particularly those in the SRB classes, as 'highly successful.'

The school's ALN co-ordinator has worked with staff to develop robust procedures to support pupils with ALN.

As a result, most pupils, including those at risk of underachievement because of the impact of socioeconomic disadvantage, make good progress.

The report said: "Leaders place a high priority on pupil attendance and work with families effectively to ensure that their children attend school regularly.

"This has had a positive impact on attendance figures."

However, the report also highlighted areas for improvement.

It said: "The provision for Welsh is underdeveloped and staff do not provide enough opportunities for outdoor learning."

The report made two recommendations to help the school continue to improve: to strengthen the provision for pupils to develop their Welsh language skills, and to develop the use of the outdoors as a learning environment.

The report concluded: "Cwmcarn Primary School is a highly inclusive school that places a clear priority on the well-being of its pupils.

"This supportive ethos, alongside effective teaching, ensures that most pupils make good progress in their learning and well-being."