There is a phenomenon which, although having only been with us for a short while, is now firmly established in our everyday lives.

It’s something that is now being used on a daily basis as an excuse for almost everything that goes wrong and there are only three people in the whole world who really understand what it’s all about.

I should point out for the sake of accuracy that I just made that number up, although the true figure can’t be much higher.

I am talking about the “global credit crunch”. No news bulletin is complete without mention of its name. I think it’s about time we jumped on the credit crunch express and started using it when we mess up. Politicians are using it as a reason why it costs us more to buy a bag of spuds, the banks absolutely love even though it’s all their stupid fault and we should love it too.

So the next time you don’t hit your sales target or lose your car keys or forget to pick up the kids from school, use it. Everybody else is.

We’re reporting on Real News today that someone has bought the registration plate WEL5H for £34,000. It’s as close as you can get to WELSH without using the actual letters.

These things baffle me, people pay huge amounts of money for two bits of plastic to stick on their car when they could save cash and just make a sign that says “LOOK AT MY CAR”. If you’ve got £34,000 to waste why not give it to charity? Just a thought.