RESIDENTS will be able to see what just is on offer at a Newport community centre when at an open day to celebrate its £400,000 facelift.

Displays and demonstrations will showcase the range of facilities already offered at the Ringland centre from project work for young people to adult education classes.

And during the evening of October 27, an awards presentation will be held to recognise volunteers and the achievements of local people.

A new group, led by residents and supported by the city council, was set up to make sure the building becomes a centre for community activity.

Situated next to the library and health centre, as well as near a major bus route, the refurbished centre is set to play a vital role in the on-going regeneration of the area.

Ringland Centre now has a computer suite, meeting rooms, sports changing rooms and a main hall.

Cllr Mike Hamilton, cabinet member for leisure and continuing learning, said by offering a wide range of social and educational benefits and helping to improve the quality of life for residents, such centres acted as focal points for the community.

“They encourage the involvement of local people, the development of the area and help create a local identity which residents can be proud of."

He added that all sectors would be able to enjoy and benefit from the fantastic facilities offered by the centre.

Ivor Cox, chairman of the centre’s management advisory group, said an unique partnership established between the community and the council meant they could change it from simply a building where people hired rooms into a real centre of community activity which met the needs of Ringland residents.

Doors open at 11am on October 27 and there will be stands and displays throughout the day until 7pm.

For information about availability and bookings, contact 01633 414780 or email