DRUG users in Newport could have more chance to kick the habit thanks to a booklet produced by staff at a city rehab clinic.

Kaleidoscope, Newport's largest drug treatment centre has published its first self-help guide for addicts trying to get away from drugs.

The guide will be available from the centre on Powell's Place, which deals with around 240 users each week. Staff are hoping to make the booklet available at doctors surgeries and other venues across the city.

Kaleidoscope opened in Newport in 2003, previously having a base in London. The project is funded by Newport City Council and the probation service and the council gives Kaleidoscope more than £500,000 each year to help tackle the city's drug problem.

The centre deals with people at all levels of drug addiction and offers support, advice as well as medical treatment with an on-site doctor, nurse and methadone dispensary.

As well as those attending Kaleidoscope's 'drop-in' facility, the centre also deals with those who have received court orders to undergo treatment and testing.

The idea for the book was that of Rondine Molinaro. A group work coordinator at Kaleidoscope who came to Newport three years ago from Kenya. She worked alongside others at the centre to produce the manual.

Project manager, James Varty said the booklet was to help people who want to kick drugs but might be too embarrassed to seek outside help.

Mr Varty said another help book for 'significant others', the family and friends of people who have drug problems.

The charity is looking for sponsorship for the next publication and anyone interested in supporting this new initiative should contact Mr Varty on 01633 245890 or email james@kaleidoscopewales.org.uk.

The manual can be downloaded free from www.kaleidoscopeproject.org.uk