DELAYS in carrying out proposed school improvements in Newport were highlighted by city councillors.

Cllr Allan Morris raised the issue of a covered walkway which was due to link two school buildings in his ward.

He said it was supposed to be in place before the amalgamation of Lliswerry Juniors and Infants into one primary.

Cllr Morris added that it was the only thing that was asked for when the merger was agreed.

“It is not right that children and teachers have to leave one building and go to the other facing all the elements.”

Cllr John Richards, a school governor, agreed they were given assurances by the authority that a covered walkway would be provided and everyone expected it to be completed before next January.

Cllr David Hando, cabinet member for young people’s services, said although it was agreed it would be highly desirable on amalgamation to have the walkway, no guarantee was given as to when this would happen.

He said the problem was where the money was coming from.

As reported previously, around £8 million of capital projects are being postponed this financial year because of a slump in expected land sales.

Cllr Ray Truman also asked about the planned replacement of the heating system at Alway Primary - one of the projects on hold..

Cllr Hando said it was because of the current financial position. Following a health and safety investigation he was assured the situation was under control but there were emergency plans in place in case it did break down.

But Cllr Truman asked how long it would be delayed now they were facing the onset of winter.

Cllr Hando said hopefully it would not break down and replacement would be carried out as soon as possible.

“I will fight for all the money we can but you have got to look at the realities of the situation.”