YOUR Argus can now offer you the latest news, sport and entertainments - straight to your inbox.

To get the latest Gwent news, all you have to do is choose the type of stories you want us to send to you. Choose from the latest Gwent news, stories on Newport Gwent Dragons, national rugby, Newport County, or Gwent entertainment news.

Providing you're registered with it's simple to sign up. All you have to do is visit your account page here and tick the boxes for the bulletins you want to receive. If you're not already registered on the site you can do so here then manage your bulletin preferences after that.

The beauty of the service is that if you're too busy at work to pop into the site to see the latest breaking news, you can have a quick scan of your daily email to see if there's anything which catches your eye. And if you're newly-registered at you can also leave comments below stories to share your views.

Digital Editor Martin Wade said: "We know that our readers can often be too tied-up at work to catch up on the latest happenings, so this new service is a great way to see if there's anything they might otherwise have missed.

"We're trying to make things simpler for people to find out what's going on in Gwent, and this is the ideal way to do it."