ARGUS readers are rallying round to save Newport's under-threat meals-on-wheels service.

Since the Argus put the spotlight on the issue readers sent us letters and emails urging city councillors to keep the WRVS-run scheme.

In February, Newport council announced it was to axe the current service and replace it with a private meals provider to save £114,000. It was the first local authority in Wales to do so on cost grounds.

But after outrage from many of the elderly clients as well as WRVS volunteers and Argus readers, council bosses decided to think again.

Now, as part of a review of the service, they are appealing for the public to give their views on the proposals.

Already letters flowing into the Argus office have, without exception, called for the service to remain.

Among the concerns highlighted are the social contact the WRVS volunteers provide the elderly with and the danger heating frozen meals could cause.

The letters have now been handed over to council bosses and this is a flavour of what readers thought.

One elderly meals-on-wheels client from Duffryn wrote: "I did meals on wheels for 11 years and know how wonderful the people are. I think it's disgraceful."

Another wrote: "It is diabolical that the plan was even considered. Please let the people who respect and like these old folk carry on with their good work."

The formal review of the service began last week with an interim report which found that more than a third of Newport's elderly Meals on Wheels clients were actually not eligible for the service.

But the figures also showed that a significant minority of clients would have difficulty heating meals themselves and would otherwise receive little or no social contact.

Newport council's scrutiny forum for older people's services, conducting the review, will hold a special meeting on May 26 to discuss further reports before it makes a final decision on whether to go ahead with the scheme. It has already sent letters to bodies such as Age Concern Gwent and Newport Older People's Forum asking for their views.

Have your say and write to: Lisa Stevens, Meals on Wheels, South Wales Argus, Cardiff Road, Newport NP20 3QN or email and we will pass your letters on to the council.