IT is with a sense of local pride that we welcome this edition of Prime Time. For we feature the success of our covergirl Chris Jenkins, who at the age of 60 has just received a well-deserved lifetime achievement award for her work in the fitness industry.

Still training daily, Chris' award is in part in recognition of the work she does helping others to get fit as a trainer for Fitness Wales and as health and fitness co-ordinator for Torfaen borough council. We send her our congratulations.

And if Chris inspires you then see our regular fitness column which this month is encouraging you to get outdoors if you want to get fit.

We are also delighted to feature the hard work of those in our midst whose green-fingers are taking them to THE most important flower show in Britain.

Nothing quite matches, or attracts the quality of entrants quite like the most glamorous of horticultural events, the Chelsea Flower Show.

And proving that love is lovelier the second time around, we feature the wedding plans of one couple who have overcome the odds to get hitched.
