THIS month at escape.... we are taking a look at some of the, shall we say, more mature tourist destinations.

Mallorca, or Majorca as it became known in this country, has enjoyed a thriving tourist industry for decades - often based on the pleasures of sun, sea and Sangria. Not any more. This Balearic Isle has much more to offer the discerning traveller than that, so we sent Jeannine Williamson to sample its spectacular inland and coastal scenery, elegant cityscape and fine food and wines.

Meanwhile, Michael Pearlman gets an exclusive preview of a rising new holiday resort in Tenerife which is set to open later this year and which promises to change the face of tourism in the area.

Proving that we are open to all sorts of holiday experiences at escape... we have also tasted life as a lord of the manor in a Scottish castle, flirted with the trendies in one of London's coolest hotels and are extolling the pleasures of camping.
