ORGANISERS of a new initiative aimed at giving children a voice in a Gwent community say they feel angry and let down by local councillors.

As reported in the Argus, children living in Pill were given the chance to speak out about the lack of facilities to keep them off the streets.

Now organisers, who want to make Pill's streets safe for youngsters, are calling for more input from local councillors, who they say are being too "negative".

The meeting took place last Wednesday at the YMCA and organiser Ann Barton told the Argus she was pleased with the level of enthusiasm shown by youngsters.

But responding to scepticism from local councillors, Ron Jones and Laura Buchanan-Smith, who said the turnout was "disappointing", and that the wrong youngsters were targeted, she said: "All we are concerned with is helping the children. We are at least trying to do something."

In Friday's Argus, Councillor Buchanan-Smith said the meeting was organised by "people who don't live in the area", and Councillor Jones said the children who attended were "not the problem".

Mother of three Jayne Lewis, 44, of Commercial Road, Pill, another of the organisers, said: "I am disgusted. If it wasn't for local business people like Mrs Barton and some of the residents, nothing would be happening.

"I have lived in Pill 20 years and I can't see what councillors are doing about it. Mrs Barton might not live in the area but she has run a business here for many years."

The initiative comes in the wake of a number of incidents, including the death of Lemy Bullock.

Youngsters were asked for their own ideas on making the streets safer and a decision was made to form a youth forum.

Local resident Catherine Margerison, 39, who supports the organisers and attended Wednesday's meeting, said: "The councillors didn't offer any encouragement, only negative comments.

"What we are trying to do is stop the next generation from ending up on the streets.

"We want to help those aged 14 and under."

Councillor Ron Jones said: "I agree with organisers that we have to help the next generation, but my message to them is why don't you come and see me.

"I have worked all my life for the people of Pill, and I am prepared to work with anyone in the interests of the area."

Councillor Laura Buchanan-Smith said: "I'm not negative - I have worked tirelessly for the last six years with various agencies to bring about a change. We are putting ourselves out for the children of Pill.

"Anything we can do to deter children from anti-social behaviour must be worthwhile but to say councillors are negative is not true. I think the interference of people from outside Pill is motivated by politics."