TWO self-confessed speed junkies are hoping to propel themselves on to a TV motor racing competition for women.

Catherine Whyman, from Newport, and Nerys Howells, from Chepstow, have both entered the Formula Woman Championship (FWC) which will culminate in a televised final next year.

But first they must prove themselves at a speed trial assessment being held at Llandough Racing Circuit near Swansea on June 15.

Following similar test days around the country, 50 finalists will be chosen for a boot camp-style process of elimination involving rigorous physical and mental tasks, all in front of a TV audience, before a shortlist of 16 is drawn up.

The finalists will have full training before being allowed into the driving seat of cars on the race track, such as souped up a Cateram and BMW M3.

Catherine Whyman, aged 40, of Castle Park Close, The Gaer, is a veteran of the first FWC held last year.

She said: "All of us are into cars. My husband is a car nut and the kids are following.

"They advertised the FWC on Top Gear last year and I took part in an assessment day for the first FWC, but I didn't get through to the final.

"I think I am more confident now because I know what is coming and my husband bought me a track day for my birthday.

"I am just going to give it a go. At the very least it is a good day out.

"I love driving. I drive a Fiesta and the last three letters of the number plate are UMR so we call it Uma, after Uma Thurman because we are Kill Bill fans.

"My husband thinks it's great, but he's jealous - he's thinking of putting on a skirt and a wig so he can take part, too. And I think that secretly all my girlfriends would like to have a go. They think I'm a bit mad."

First-timer Nerys Howells, 28, lives at Beaufort Place, Chepstow, with her fiance James Rothwell.

Nerys said: "It is all my fiance's fault! He got me into FI racing and I saw the advert for the FWC on television and I though I quite fancied it. I am hoping he will be able to get a day off to come and support me on June 15."

"I hope I'm a good driver, but it is a bone of contention with us. We share Fifi, our Fiesta, but James prefers to drive wherever we go."

The organisers of FWC want to encourage more Welsh women to take part in the contest. To apply, before September 30, call 09066 360000 or log on to