FOR Jess Morden, Newport East's new Labour MP, getting to grips with the historic building's layout was proving the real challenge.

She said: "It's such a big place, sometimes I feel I need to drop a line of sand behind me so I'm able to re-trace my steps."

But, drinking tea with the Argus on the Parliament terrace overlooking the Thames, the former Welsh Labour Party Secretary looked very much at home - and after only one wrong turn.

She said: "It's like fresher's week at university, there's just so much to take in.

"We've been briefed on the language we can and can't use inside the chamber as well as where we can and can't sit."

But the 36-year-old, Gwent's first woman MP, admitted she was looking forward to getting stuck in. She said: "Being here you become very aware of your responsibilities, and what a great honour it is that people have elected you to represent them.

"I want to get my maiden speech to the House over and done with as soon as possible - apparently no-one will interrupt or heckle you on your first time."