THE 60th anniversary of VE Day was marked in style by a group from St David Lewis Church in Bettws.

The Tuesday Afternoon Club, under the leadership of Hazel Price and Angela Chambers, arranged a party in the church hall with a celebratory cake and reminiscences from the 1940s.

The event began poignantly with a recording of the famous radio broadcast of 1939 announcing that Britain was at war with Germany, but the party atmosphere soon took over.

Father Jimmy Thomas said: "We had a tea party with plenty of food and entertainment and music from the 1940s.

"The club has about 30 members and I also put out a general invitation to anybody in the parish who wanted to attend. I think we had close to 50 people there.

"The majority of them are in their 70s and the oldest was 91 so they all remember VE Day. They were dressed up and there were red, white and blue flags around the place and Union Jack hats. There was a lot of singing and we all enjoyed it."