FROM the elegance of Breakfast at Tiffany's to the wild days of punk - students created some stunning hairstyles for a special show.

Hairdressing students from the Cross Keys campus of Coleg Gwent staged the event as part of their course.

As well as preparing for the show in the evening, the students also had to take part in a promotional photo shoot.

"They have to arrange it all - the promotion, finance side and selling tickets," explained full-time tutor Tammy Wheeler who, together with part-time tutor Joanne Taylor, helped them organise the show. "It went really well."

The ten full-time students and eight part-timers each chose a theme and involved theatrical make-up students to help them complete their imaginative looks.

Drama students organised the lighting and music and a mature photography student did the photo shoot. Student, Keeley Kendal, choreographed a cheerleading group who delighted the packed room.

The hairdressers also competed against each other and part-time student Amanda Baker, who chose Breakfast at Tiffany's for her theme, was the winner.