A MAJOR retail outlet could be sited on Newport's historic cattle market, its owner revealed.

On Monday the Argus reported how stallholders at the city's Saturday market - some of whom have operated for two decades - were dealt a huge blow when they were given notice to quit from August 15.

Today Peter Waters, chairman of the Newport Cattlemarket Company, which owns the site, told the Argus a number of developers were interested in buying it.

"I can confirm that there is a real interest in developing the site, probably as a retail outlet," said Mr Waters. He remained tight-lipped about which company was interested in the site.

Two years ago planners at Newport council rejected a proposal by developer Raven Newport to build a supermarket on the site. A council spokesman said no new plan has yet been submitted.

Mr Waters added: "There has been a cattle market on the site for 50 years and I am extremely sorry to see its demise, but the business has not been viable for a number of years now.

"At the moment discussions are at an early stage, but it was a legal requirement for us to give permanent operators their notice."