SHOPPERS are to be targeted in the search for Margaret Llewellyn who went missing from her Chepstow home three years ago.

Mrs Llewellyn's photograph will be printed on milk cartons sold at the Iceland chain of supermarkets.

Dave Llewellyn is desperate to find out what happened to his wife who disappeared while he was out walking the dog.

But he doubted that the latest appeal would be successful.

He said: "The missing person's bureau rang me a couple of weeks ago with the idea and I said I was okay with it. I personally don't think it's going to help. It has been three years now and I don't hold out much hope of finding her but every effort helps.

"My understanding is they will run it for a couple of days."

Earlier this month, on the anniversary of the day his 56-year-old wife, a chemist's assistant, disappeared, Mr Llewellyn told the Argus he believed she was dead although he still searches for his "best friend".

The couple were married for 32 years when Mrs Llewellyn went missing from home in Middle Way, Bulwark. She was home on weekend leave from St Cadoc's hospital, Caerleon, where she was being treated for depression.