MORE than 100 jobs could be created by a planned DIY retail park in Blackwood.

Developers have already been granted permission to develop a 84,500 sq ft site at the southern end of the town.

The project, called Blackwood Gate Retail Park, is waiting for Caerphilly council to formalise planning consent for the scheme's details. Building work could begin as early as August.

The park, which will specialise in DIY goods, has attracted interest from major national retailers, according to Phil Brown of the developers Develica.

"This high-quality development will help create sustainable prosperity for Blackwood, assisting with local regeneration," he said.

"We aim to work with the local, private and the development agencies such as the Welsh Development Agency and the local authority to ensure the project has maximum benefit for employment and the environment of Blackwood as well as existing retailers. This is of real importance and will be a major force for the further regeneration of the town centre."

Blackwood councillor Leon Gardiner said: "I think it is absolutely fantastic.

"Everybody is interested in coming to Blackwood and I think the coming months will be the most exciting of all.

"The job prospects for the town are terrific and there is a good feeling about it all."

However, not everybody is happy with the development.

Residents living near the south end of the High Street collected a 300-signature petition opposing the development because of the impact it will have on the local environment.

Blackwood councillor Kevin Etheridge, who is supporting the residents' opposed to retail park development, said: "This is an example of yet another development being squeezed into the town.

"If a bit of soil was tipped in Blackwood, then they'd build on it."

A spokesman for Caerphilly council said: "The council has received a planning application for reserved matters approval of a retail development at the south end of Blackwood High Street.

"It is important to stress that the principle to allow this development to proceed has already been established by the grant of an outline planning permission granted in September, 2004.

"This latest application will now deal with the details of the proposal."
