NEWPORT'S popular outdoor Saturday market is to close later this year.

Stallholders, some of whom have operated in the market for more than two decades, were dealt the blow when they were served with notice to quit by August 13.

The busy weekly market is held on the site of the city's historic cattle market and traders have heard rumours it is to be redeveloped for a supermarket.

Sean Ford, who runs a fruit and veg stall employing eight workers, said he had no idea the market was to close until he was served with his eviction notice last week.

"I'm shellshocked. I've been here for 20 years. We are going to try to find another premises but it is going to be hard to build up the business somewhere else.

"I think there are enough supermarkets as it is."

He added that other traders felt the same way.

Another trader of 15-years, Tony Szuluk, said: "I'm disgusted. Who needs another supermarket?"

He said he would be looking for another site but said it was getting harder to find outdoor markets.

He said: "The punters are pretty loyal here."

Lee Fettah, who runs a fruit and veg stall with partner Gerald Thomas, said it was a family concern employing six people.

He said: "They just served notice. It came out of the blue. I've been here 20 years and I'm not very happy.

"We are looking for other sites in the area but we would like to stay here." Mr Thomas added: "It's disgusting.

"We are just trying to make an honest living, that's all."

Moyra Challenger makes regular visits to the market from her New Inn home and she was shocked when she was told the market was due to close in August.

"I will miss it. I don't think another supermarket is needed.

"We heard a rumour last year that it was going to close but nothing happened. I'm not happy about it."

Pill businesswoman Ann Barton said she had heard the market was going to close but they had not been told what was happening.

"People have been going there for years - they go there in droves."

No one was available for comment at Grenchurch, the market operators.