ASIAN members at Marriott St Pierre wanted to do something towards the fund-raising following the tsunami disaster, so they organised a golf day at the club. Marriott St Pierre generously offered free use of the course for the day and teams of four paid £200 to play in the event.

On the day, 27 teams took part, one of them including Bradley Dredge, who also generously donated prizes.

At the halfway house there were Asian delicacies for the golfers to enjoy, and at the end of the day the Asian theme continued with a meal at The Indian Empire restaurant at Parkwall.Brewers Whitbread have matched the £9,000 which was raised, bringing the total to £18,000, with £1,800 coming from a raffle and a further £1,800 from an auction.

The day was a huge success, largely due to the hard work and determination of Bim Kumar, Shabir Mohammed, Ash Hassan, Annabel Hassan, Rana Gurnam, Tony Mamhood, Sid Taylor, Shabir Hussain, Mohammed Iqbal, Stuart Jupp, Dave Cook, Andy Mac and Bikramjit Singh.