I WOULD have done myself justice if I had gone on tour with the British Lions to New Zealand, says Wales full back or wing Kevin Morgan.

The Newport Gwent Dragons player was surprisingly overlooked by Sir Clive Woodward when he announced his 44-strong squad on Monday to go Down Under this summer.

Yet Morgan's credentials were stronger than some of those chosen in the party, notably England counterpart Iain Balshaw who has only just returned from injury and had hardly featured since the World Cup anyway.

Yet Morgan has been on fire this season after making a major comeback from a series of injuries.

He scored two tries for Wales in their record 46-22 victory over Scotland after replacing injured captain Gareth Thomas and he raced across spectacularly for another in Wales' Grand Slam clinching win against Ireland.

He is also the leading try scorer in the Celtic League with 10 tries for the Dragons this season and is closing in on his personal record of 16 in a season.

"Playing for the Lions is the pinnacle of any player's career and I was disappointed not to be included in the squad," said Morgan.

"I'd have loved to have gone and it's nice to know others have said I should have gone which is great but unfortunately they don't pick the squad.

"I feel I would have done myself justice, but Sir Clive has picked people who he thinks could do a better job."

Morgan says he had a pretty good idea in advance that he wouldn't be going to New Zealand and that now is the time to move on and think about other things, such as Wales' tour to North America.

"I hadn't received any letters about my availability or about fitness which a lot of the other boys had so I kind of knew I would not be picked," he said.

"It could have changed with the last couple of games for Wales, but I still roughly knew I wouldn't be going. "There's no point dwelling on it, I've got to move on.

"There are other things to look forward to like the Wales tour to North America which will be tough.

"When I look back on the season if anyone had said to me at the beginning I would have been in a Wales Grand Slam winning team and played a full season for the Dragons I would have bitten his hand off."