PEOPLE in Chepstow say a naked bronze statue isn't suitable for their town.

The Boatman, part of the £2m redevelopment of the centre of Chepstow, is meant to celebrate the town's long association with the fishing industry.

But Ned Heywood, owner of the Workshop Gallery, in Lower Church Street, said the artwork was a fine piece but wasn't appropriate for Chepstow.

He said: "It has merit and is a good piece of sculpture but I don't think it is relevant to the town.

"It is off the peg and could be more appropriate."

James Boyle, owner of the Garden Centre, in Pwllmeyric, said: "The statue makes me feel inadequate!

"The whole area looks quite nice now but I think the statue is ugly and I'm not sure what it is supposed to mean or stand for."

There were stronger opinions against the statue from other members of the community.

Former shipyard worker Marion Carter said the statue was upsetting local residents and branded it an "insult to fishermen", adding: "The fisherman was always dressed, he had a cap on and a waterproof coat.

"I mean, it sounds a bit dangerous to go out fishing naked.

"I'm not narrow-minded but it just doesn't blend in with the rest of the town, none of the older residents like it at all."

Chepstow mayor Phil Hobson said that the council had not received any formal complaints about the seated figure, which is unmistakably male.

He said he was aware that a "a few people are a bit upset", but added: "It seems to me people are suddenly getting quite attached to it."

He said he did not know why the artist had chosen to depict a naked fisherman: "I've not actually thought about that, why is Michelangelo's David naked? I don't find it offensive."