A MOTORCYCLIST says he is lucky not to have died or been paralysed in a crash which left him hospitalised for seven weeks.

Staff nurse James Slade, 32, was making his usual journey along Church Road, Risca to the Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, where he works on December 16 last year.

Mr Slade was riding his Piaggio x9 Evolution 125 along Church Road at 7am when he swerved to avoid a van on the steep narrow stretch.

He said: "I was only going about 15mph, which is what I always do on the road. It is very narrow, steep and unsafe.

"I saw the van, so I swerved to the side to avoid a crash when I crashed head first into a pole."

Mr Slade was taken to hospital with a broken spine, broken teeth, fractured ribs, bruised lungs and a broken toe.

He says he was lucky: "I could have become paralysed from the waist down or it could have been fatal."

He was restricted to a hospital bed over Christmas and only one week ago, sat up and stood for the first time in seven weeks.

His wife Andrea, 32, and children Eleanor, six, Matthew, three, and Benjamin, one, spent Christmas without Mr Slade.

"It was very hard to spend Christmas without the three children. It didn't feel like Christmas at all but I had to try my best for them," he said.

Mr Slade, a theatre nurse, was able to go home to Navigation Road, Risca, last week, but still has to wear a body and neck brace.

"My spine is still healing and I will have to wear this brace at least until October, probably longer," he said.

Mr Slade says the accident has turned his life upside down. He cannot work, play his double bass, bass guitar or oboe and he says he finds it difficult to play with his children.

He now wants something done about the road to prevent further accidents.

He said: "It is dangerous to vehicles and pedestrians and it needs to be widened or traffic light-controlled.

"The accident needs to be noted and something needs to be done before a fatal accident happens."

Leader of Caerphilly Council Harry Andrews said: "I am saddened the accident happened in the first place.

"I am delighted Mr Slade is on the road to recovery.

"If he feels there is need for some form of improvement I would be more than happy to ask the highways department to investigate his concerns.

"If they come up with positive signals we will be pleased to sort the problem out."