ASSEMBLY spending on sport and fitness will double by 2007/8, Sports Minister Alun Pugh announced.

Annual spending will reach £24 million, Mr Pugh said - twice the current level and up from £6.8 million in 1999.

This week also sees the launch of television, radio and billboard advertisements designed to encourage people to take more exercise.

Ministers are keen to stress that health promotion is as important a policy as cutting waiting lists, and have argued that a healthier population will lead to economic and social benefits.

First Minister Rhodri Morgan launched an overall health promotion strategy, Health Challenge Wales, last year.

Mr Pugh said: "Health Challenge Wales is based on the belief that everyone has a part to play in making Wales a healthier nation.

"It is not the job of the NHS or the Assembly Government alone. We all have a personal responsibility to do what we can to reduce our chances of suffering ill-health."