
Wastesavers green box

Batteries (household only including hearing aid batteries)

Civic Amenity site on Docks Way.


1. Wastesavers green box

2. Bring banks

3. Civic Amenity site

Car batteries

Clark's Metals, Maindee.

There may be a fee. Tel: 01633 259178

Cardboard (boxes, egg cartons, ready meal card sleeves, toilet and kitchen rolls)

1. Civic Amenity site

2. Home compost bin - shred first!

Christmas cards (throughout January from the 5th)

WHSmith and Tescos bring banks

Clothes, bags, bedding and pairs of shoes or trainers

1. Wastesavers blue box

2. Bring banks

3. Civic Amenity site

4. Charity shops

Egg shells (crush first)

Home compost bin

Foil cartons or washed tin foil

1. Wastesavers green box

2. Civic Amenity site


Civic Amenity site

Fruit (peel, small pieces are best)

Home compost bin

Furniture (anything reusable like lamps, cabinets, sofas) Community Furniture Project

Garden waste (weeds, grass, leaves, flowers and shrub cuttings)

1. Orange-topped garden waste bin

2. Civic Amenity site

3. Home compost bin

Glass bottles and jars

1. Wastesavers green box

2. Civic Amenity site

3. Bring banks

Inkjet cartridges

Civic Amenity site

Junk mail

Wastesavers blue box

Mobile phones (with or without batteries)

Civic Amenity site

Newspapers and magazines

1. Wastesavers blue box

2. Civic Amenity site

3. Bring banks

Oil (car oil only)

Civic Amenity site


Repaint scheme at the Civic Amenity site

Paper (including shredded paper)

1. Wastesavers blue box

2. Civic Amenity site

3. Bring banks

Phone directories

1. Wastesavers blue box

2. Yellow Woods Challenge

Plastic carrier bags

Tescos and Sainsburys banks

Plastic bottles (including shampoo, fabric conditioner, pop and milk bottles)

1. Wastesavers green box

2. Civic Amenity site

Scrap metal (small pieces that will fit in the box)

Wastesavers green box

Tea bags

Home compost bin

Tin cans

1. Wastesavers green box

2. Civic Amenity site

3. Bring banks

Vegetables (trimmings and offcuts are best)

Home compost bin