DISTRACTION burglars raided the homes of two pensioners yesterday stealing £600.

Police say are they not linking the two incidents involving people in their 80s in Chepstow and Newport but are keeping an open mind.

The first burglary took place in Newport at around 1.45pm where a man searched a couple's house on Annesley Road after they were distracted. Police describe one of the men as white, in his mid 20s, approximately 6ft tall and of a stocky build.

He was clean-shaven with short fair hair and was wearing a dark blue short jacket. He spoke with a speech impediment.

There is no description of the second male although he was wearing a fawn-coloured jacket.

It is not yet known what was taken from the house. Police are also appealing for information about a second incident in Bulwark, Chepstow.

An elderly woman was distracted in her garden while thieves searched inside the house.

More than £600 was taken before the offenders escaped through the front of the property.

Police describe one of the offenders as white, around 30 to 35 years old, 5ft 10in to 6ft tall with dark thinning hair, wearing a dark, long-sleeved top and trousers.

He was softly spoken, had a British accent and also spoke with a slight impediment. There is no description of the second male.

Inspector Mark Ryley said: "We are still investigating both incidents. "The offenders did not pose as bogus officials.

"One distracted the residents while the other searched their homes. "We would ask people to be