A MAN who helped a prisoner escape from Newport magistrates court and who was later found in possession of Class A drugs has been jailed for a total of three years two months at Cardiff crown court.

Andrew McGee, 22, drove Martin Tuft away as he fled from the building, sparking a high-profile police hunt, said prosecutor Jeremy Jenkins. McGee, of Glebe Street, Maindee, Newport, admitted assisting an offender, driving while disqualified and possessing heroin with intent to supply.

Judge Stephen Hopkins told him: "I accept you are not part of the plan for the escape. You are outside the court and were ordered to drive the man away although you were disqualified."

Mr Jenkins said that on April 27 three men appeared before Newport magistrates charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent, aggravated burglary and robbery.

The three, Tuft, 45, of Cambridge Road, Newport, Graham Woodward, 26 of Russell Drive, Malpas, and Stephen Swart, 37, of Bedford Road, Maindee, had an agreement to escape.

Tuft and Woodward climbed over the perspex screen while Swart was restrained in the dock. Woodward was stopped in the court building, but Tuft ran outside and got into the waiting car.

In September, Tuft and Woodward admitted escaping from Newport magistrates court and Swart pleaded guilty to a charge of attempted escape.

Tuft was jailed for six years while Stephen Swart and Graham Woodward each received five years, after also pleading guilty to the other offences.

While on bail McGee was spotted in the Maindee area and the police found £165 in a sock. In his car were 19 wraps of heroin.

He said he had bought the drugs for £200 for himself and others and hoped to make a profit of £100.

His counsel Hilary Roberts said that at the time he had a growing heroin habit.

Concerning the escape, he said McGee had been ordered to drive the man away and chose to do it.