TRIBUTES to 19-year-old Carl Snelgrove, who died after a road crash in Newport, have been flooding in.

The teenager died in hospital on Friday night after a collision with a vehicle in Rowan Way last Tuesday.

Carl was staying with friends Peter Nash and Mr Nash's partner, Jennifer Davies, in Chaucer Road, Beechwood, at the time of the accident.

Mr Nash said: "We found out about ten minutes before it happened that Jennifer was pregnant, and he would have been so pleased.

"He was a star, the best kid you could ever imagine meeting, and had been staying with me on and off for four years." Another close friend, Jimmy Brum, said people he did not know had been coming up to him and mutual friend Simon Thomas to offer their condolences.

"He had a close circle of friends, but he knew practically everyone else as well," he said.

"It makes me happy that he knew so many people. "It's shaken us all up. He was a great guy."

Tammy Johnson, a colleague of Carl's at Labour Ready Agency, in Newport, said: "He was a breath of fresh air.

"He was such a lovely young man who would do anything for anybody. "He was working at the Royal Mail for us and he thoroughly enjoyed that. "I could wake him up in the wee hours of the morning with a little job and he'd be here in five to ten minutes.

"It's still hard now to realise he's not at the end of a phone. "He was such a beautiful person."

Branch manager Susan Rooney added that all the staff were "devastated". She said: "He was one of the most vibrant, enthusiastic young gentlemen you could possibly meet. His beaming smile never failed to brighten up our day."

Tributes from Mr Snelgrove's family appeared in Monday's Argus. A 32-year-old Undy man has been charged with dangerous driving and failing to stop after an accident.

He is due to appear before Caerphilly magistrates tomorrow.