RESIDENTS are demanding action to fix their "potholed, sewage-ridden street".

Residents of Cwmnantygroes, Six Bells, say they have tried for more than three years to get Blaenau Gwent council to repair the road and drains.

Resident Carol Tetley said: "The state of our road is disgusting and dangerous. We have tried to get the council to sort it for three or four years with no result. When it rains the whole place floods and is thick with mud, water and sewage and forces people to walk on the road.

"The sewage spills all over the place which leaves a horrible stench. All the council have done is filled in two tiny potholes."

Mrs Tetley and other residents have formed an action group to help tackle the problem. "We are in the top council tax band but we don't get anything from the council, it's absolutely disgusting."

Another resident, who did not wish to be named, said: "When I take my two children to school every day we have to walk on the road. If there is a car coming the kids have to jump into the mud to get out of the way.

"All we want is a proper drainage system and road surface. When it floods the sewage comes into some neighbours' garages and it is not pleasant."

And another resident, Andrew Bayton, added: "The road is deteriorated and the draining is in a poor state which makes it impassable and hazardous. We are not being unreasonable, we just want what we are entitled to."

Ward councillors Jim Watkins and Densil Hancock have spoken to residents about the problem.

Councillor Watkins said: "We have done all we can. We have spoken to the officers who have done some patching on the road which isn't to the residents' satisfaction."

Councillor Hancock said: "Both myself and Jim have done all we can. We have spoken to the executive member and the director of highways and the council have said they are short of funds and won't do anything until funds are available."

Speaking on behalf of the council, Councillor Gill Clark said: "We are aware of the problems and they are in the process of being dealt with."