CHILDREN at Libanus Primary School are now enjoying the benefit of a state-of-the-art IT suite. Local businesses including General Dynamics and Braces Bakery have worked with the school to develop the facility and have backed it with cash.

Last week Don Touhig, MP for Islwyn and under secretary of state for Wales, officially opened the suite.

Mr Touhig, whose responsibilities as minister include information technology, said: "I'm delighted to be invited to open the new computer suite.

"It's so important that our children are able to take advantage of the latest technology, whether for recreation, learning, or developing the skills they will need in the workplace of the future."

He was accompanied by Larry Johnson of General Dynamics, a Canadian defence contractor whose UK headquarters is based at Oakdale.

General Dynamics offers some of the highest paid jobs in the Welsh Valleys. It is working on a huge contract to modernise the British armed forces' battlefield communications.

The company depends on a supply of highly qualified, IT-literate engineers and scientists.

With this in mind the firm has donated £5,000 towards the Libanus IT suite.