ALDI Stores has selected Capital Business Park at Wentloog for a 340,000 sq ft office and distribution centre for Wales and the west.

The supermarket will create over 200 jobs on a 28-acre site within the park, which is being developed by builder JR Smart in a joint venture with Cardiff council.

Around 100 construction jobs will be created during the building period. The centre will help Aldi roll-out a major store opening programme over the next few years.

JR Smart claims this is one of the largest distribution schemes ever constructed in South Wales and the Aldi announcement (last Friday) was timed to coincide with a visit to the park by Assembly first minister Rhodri Morgan.

JR Smart chairman John Smart said: "We're delighted that one of the largest and most successful supermarket businesses in Europe has recognised the merits of Capital Business Park.

"Aldi was attracted to our development by the superb access the park offers to the M4 and the surrounding region.

"The pressure on employment resources at alternative development sites continues to mark Wentloog as an attractive location for both inward investors and relocating local companies."

JR Smart has invested over £10m in the 75-acre park and the company said that completion of the Aldi deal will trigger further investment and expansion.

It acquired the park in 2002. Phase 1 featured 125,000 sq ft of which18,000 sq ft remains available. Phase 2 will bring another 120,000 sq ft on stream next spring.

A spokesman for Cardiff Council welcomed the Aldi announcement, saying it would help diversify the economy of the area and provide additional employment opportunities for local residents.

Joint agents for the development are Fletcher Morgan and King Sturge.