HERE'S a tasty little number! The official car of the Gordon Ramsay Scholar Award is now in action.... a stylish black Hyundai Tucson 2.7 V6 CDX. The Tucson was recently seen on display at The Restaurant Show for the final of the Gordon Ramsay Scholar Award.

The award enters its fifth year, now with the additional support of Hyundai Car (UK) Ltd. Hyundai has provided a brand new top-of-the-range Tucson to the scholar programme, to assist the organisers in the quest to search for the most talented cooks in the UK. Marcus Eaves, the 2004 Gordon Ramsay Scholar, is now driving a Hyundai Getz 1.1 GSI supermini, just one of several prizes he won for achieving the status of Gordon Ramsay Scholar 2004.

Gordon Ramsay, holder of three Michelin stars and the head of one of the most prestigious restaurant groups in the world is searching for cooks with talent, determination and inspiration and offers them the opportunity to reach their goals. All values Hyundai also aspires to!