THE LONG and short-term effects on children of domestic abuse will be debated by police, health and social services experts at a conference in Newport on Friday.

The first such event on the subject in Wales, the conference - entitled Domestic Abuse: What About The Children? - aims to raise awareness of the terror and confusion that children, as innocent bystanders, often feel when witnessing such violence.

The event, at Newport's Holiday Inn, is organised by Gwent Healthcare Trust's child and family psychology service and will bring together police, psychologists, social workers and therapists, many of whom have direct contact with frightened and bewildered youngsters who have witnessed domestic abuse.

Dr Liz Gregory, consultant child psychologist with the trust, said youngsters' stories can overwhelm and leave even hardened professionals feeling powerless to effect change.

Recognising that no single profession working in such a complex field can provide all the answers, the service determined to bring them together to share experiences and debate solutions.

Demand for conference places has been such that for every place booked, someone has had to be turned down.

"We are delighted to have the opportunity to host a conference focusing on the needs of children in the context of domestic abuse," said Dr Gregory. "We are very excited about the programme that features a range of speakers, all experts in their field. We hope the ideas and enthusiasm the day generates will impact on services and, in turn, children, in a very significant way."

Talks will give professionals more information on helping children who have witnessed violence in their own home. The event also aims to improve links between agencies, and examine national and local good practice.

"It has taken a long time for us adults to begin to understand the consequences for children of domestic violence. Thankfully we are becoming more determined to stop children being vulnerable in this way," said Children's Commissioner for Wales Peter Clarke, who will provide the opening address.