GWENT Police are advising pet owners to protect their animals from the noise of fireworks in the run-up to and during Bonfire Night.

The noise can disorientate guide dogs and stop them working, which can put their owners in danger, officers warn.

Jeremy Hooper, chairman of the Gwent Police Disability Network and guide dog owner, said: "Animals have sensitive hearing and in the same way that they can get scared of thunder, fireworks can make them physically sick. In extreme cases fireworks can frighten animals so much they can run away.

"In the case of guide dogs it can disorientate them and even prevent them from working, placing their owner in immediate danger.

"As well as causing distress to owners, added pressure is placed on the police and dog warden service, so we would ask you to take the necessary precautions to ensure your pet feels safe during the fireworks season."

The following guidelines should help your pet:

Keep your pet indoors. Close all windows, doors and animal flaps to keep noise at a minimum and stop pets escaping. It is also advisable to draw the curtains and use music or TV as background noise to block out the firework bangs;

Make sure you pet is wearing identification in case it does run away;

Never take your dog to a firework display. Even if your dog does not bark or whimper at fireworks it does not mean it is happy;

Never tie you dog up outside while fireworks are being let off;

Never walk your dog while fireworks are set off;

Never shout at your pet if it is frightened, as you will only exacerbate the stress.