A DISABLED mother-of-four found her home had been pelted with eggs and covered with gravy and tomato sauce.

Claire Walters, from George Lansbury Drive, Royal Oak, Newport, said her home and her mother Margaret Harding's property on the same street were both attacked on Halloween night.

Miss Walters, 33, said: "We have had problems for months, but it was the last straw on Sunday.

"My house and caravan were covered with eggs, pickle, tomato sauce and gravy. The windows in the caravan were also spray-painted. I just can't take it anymore. I'm a wreck.

"Police and the city rangers came out but they said they couldn't do anything as nothing was actually damaged.

"I'm disabled with arthritis in my back and legs so I have been unable to clean up the mess."

Miss Walters said her family was also regularly being kept awake into the early hours of the morning with shouting and swearing and, more recently, with an air horn.

She said her sons Christopher, 14, and Alexander, 13, and twins Lucy and Jonathan, nine, were finding it difficult to get to sleep on school nights.

A city council spokeswoman said: "We are currently investigating complaints made and are liaising with the police in relation to this. Miss Walters has been kept updated regarding actions taken."

An Alway police spokesman said an incident on the street was reported in which eggs were thrown and plant pots damaged.