THE MINISTER for social justice and regeneration Edwina Hart has opened a new primary school and community resource centre in New Tredegar.

The complex includes a school, library, resource centre, police station, healthy living centre, children's centre, cyber caf and community wing. The project forms a major part of a £18.5 million regeneration package to transform the village's prospects.

Guests enjoyed a tour of the new facilities following a special assembly in the school hall where they were entertained by the school choir.

Ms Hart presented a commemorative school bell to two pupils from White Rose Primary School, who then marked the opening of the new building by ringing it.

The regeneration is being carried out through a partnership between the village, Caerphilly council, contractors Alfred McAlpine and others.

It includes a new bypass to ease traffic problems in the village, a new industrial estate with a number of small business units plus numerous landscaping and environmental imp-rovements.

Leader of Caerphilly council Harry Andrews said: "I'm delighted to take part in this special celebration to mark the opening of this innovative new school and resource centre.

"Everyone I've spoken to including pupils, teachers and local people are thrilled with the finished result. This project is a shining example of what can be achieved through successful partnership working and I'm sure other areas will now follow New Tredegar's lead and demand fantastic facilities such as this in the future."

Martyn Osborne from Alfred McAlpine Capital Projects said: "We are confident the project signals a new era in education for local children.

"The surrounding community also stands to benefit from the wide range of facilities the new building offers. Alfred McAlpine is proud to have been part of today's opening ceremony which marks an important milestone in the regeneration of New Tredegar."