THERE was pandemonium at Ladysmead on Saturday as some furious Newport County fans turned on the side after the nightmare 4-1 hiding by Tiverton.

Sections of the support, which made up almost half of the bumper 1007 crowd, voiced their disgust at the team, with some incredibly calling for the manager's head after only a month in charge and some coins were allegedly thrown onto the pitch.

And there was even a confrontation between angry supporters and members of the County board, including chairman Chris Blight as County were dumped out of the FA Cup.

At one stage during the game supporters' representative on the board Colin Everett appealed for calm but was met with a barrage of abuse.

Boss John Cornforth said that he was "completely devastated" with the result but he feels the abuse went too far.

"When you come of the pitch and get that abuse hurled at you, realistically I don't think it is right," He said. "I can't tell fans what to think but it is not right to have people swearing and spitting at you.

"It is a game of football and the lads went out and on the day were naive and conceded four really poor goals.

"I have to take it on the chin but I don't think the screaming and shouting at the players helps."

Board member Martyn Kings described the scenes as "disgraceful".

"The board will be investigating the events because some of the behaviour is simply not on," Kings said. "We will be looking at the television footage and then necessary action will be taken.

"The were reports of coins throwing and John Cornforth was apparently spat on and the level or personal abuse that was given was out of order."

He added: "The minority spoiled it for the majority because the match was broadcast to a nation-wide audience and the ramifications of that behaviour could be very serious. These are certainly fans that we could do without."

With County bombing out of the cup, Kings admitted that it was a bad day all round.

"It was a terrible weekend," He said. "But we have the right man in John Cornforth to take the club forward.