ON the streets of Blackwood few were celebrating the news that Neil Kinnock is to become a life peer.

"Poacher turned gamekeeper" and "two-faced" were some of the things uttered by Saturday shoppers when asked about him taking a seat in the House of Lords.

Some of the other comments were simply unprintable.

Viv Price, 47, of High Street, Blackwood, claimed: "He was always looking out for number one. All he is concerned about is if he is all right."

Lorne Davies, 56, of Tamer Close, Pontllanfraith, was just as scathing.

He said: "He used to be a hero of mine, so I'm very disappointed with him. The House of Lords is just a joke.

"When I think of Tony Benn forfeiting his seat in the House of Lords, he showed he was a true voice of socialism.

"A lot of people were disappointed with Mr Kinnock when he didn't make a stand with the miners' strike of 1984."

Haydn Morgan, 67, who lives just off David Street, Blackwood, said: "Kinnock said he would never go to the House of Lords and now he is going. He is going back on his word.

"I used to be a fan of his, but when Labour lost the election with him as leader in 1992 I don't think he wanted to know, and that is why he went overseas."

Kelvin Jones, 47, from Greenwood Avenue, Tredegar, the town where Mr Kinnock was born, said: "I honestly think he is a waste of time. I don't think his heart is in British politics."

Elizabeth Edmunds, 70, from Oakdale, said: "He just falls in with whatever suits him. Where was he when Oakdale colliery closed? Nothing was done about it and I can't understand that."

Gavin Hatton, 16, from Addison Street, Blackwood, added: "After his criticism of the House of Lords I don't think it is right. Can you blame him, though? It will be a good life for him in the House of Lords and I think I would do the same if I was in his position."

Only one person we spoke to, 70-year-old Jean Cake, from Croespenmaen Road, Oakdale, offered whole-hearted support for Mr Kinnock.

She said: "He came from these parts so I wouldn't want to criticise him. I thought he was a good politician and he has been good for Wales and this part of the country.

"I can't say anything bad about him because he has always helped us."